About Us
Dress your home beautifully with Neowin Collection, household furnishings, curtain and accessories for every room in the house, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, sitting room, living room, upstairs and downstairs.
There are now more options than ever before in window treatment. Making the right choice of curtains to suit your windows and the rest of the room can be very important. The right decision can give pleasure for many years. A mistake can be expensive and difficult to correct.
Neowin Collection can help you make the right choice. Using neowin collection tapes, hooks and accessories will enable you to achieve the style that is perfect for your window.
Windows are such an essential part of a room that, ironically, they are often ignored. But all windows are functional and that combined with the enormous range of fabrics and possible window treatments offers a decorative opportunity that’s not to be missed. Neowin Collection suggests the best possible solution for your windows with ideas ranging from lacy sheers and shutters through Venetian and Roman blinds to stunning but simple draperies.
Decoration window is in no way an absolute specialty, an expression of self, the sum of your interests as an individual or a family, a personal and practical statement about living which anybody can make and feel comfortable about.
Decoration window is much like cooking and fabrics, furniture, flooring, wall coverings and lighting can be chosen and mixed together. Spiced and seasoned with accessories in just the same way as one experiments with tastes and flavors.
Dressing window should be highly personal, an expression of self, the sum of your interests as an individual or as a family, a personal and practical statement about living which anybody can make and feel comfortable about.
" If this website in any way helps to prove that dressing window is not so very hard to master, I shall be very pleased."
... Simon Neo"We at Neowin hope this website will give you many hours of happy browsing and help you transform your home into a happy home"
… Simon Neo"Have you ever been confused by the choice of materials and styles with which you can decorate your window? Or perhaps you know exactly the look you want, but are not sure how to achieve it?
Neowin collection pretty range of co-ordinating fabrics, trimmings, accessories and other home furnishing materials offers enormous scope for the prospective window dressing and this website aims to bridge the gap between shop shelf and finished, decorated window"
… Simon Neo
The way in which you arrange and decorate your window is the natural and outward expression of you individual style. Your every own style is closely integrated with reflection of your personality just as your handwriting gives a hint to the readers of what kind of person your are.
Pride in the way we look after our homes is not just a monotonous routine of cleaning under the beds. Pride in surroundings is keeping the place looking fresh, but lived-in, in extracting real use out of objects rather than adopting the attitude of treating them as long redundant effigies.
Make like easy for yourself and the people who live with you. Of all the objectives you may have in your life, the ability and the determination to create a warm, welcoming and attractive window dressing is one of the most worth wile and precious.